The Hungarian Institute of Educational Research and Development has played an important role in the planning and utilisation of resources available from the European Structural Funds over the past decade. The mission of our Institute is to assist policy makers with evidence-based research. HIERD’s wide-ranging research and development projects carried out in recent years encompass all areas of education and giving rise to several volumes of professional and scientific findings in support of decision-makers and higher educational providers, and offering information to the Hungarian public and, no less importantly, to all groups of teachers. International embeddedness has been an important feature of the R&D process: we have kept abreast of the international trends and processes in our areas of research and development, and placed our own findings in the international space. This volume of papers in which we attempt to give a synthesis of our latest research output is another station along this road.
The book addresses two major issues. Chapter One is about curriculum development. The papers in this chapter are focused on specific areas of training, and highlight the costs of new policies if they were to be implemented across the entire educational system, and point out other ramifications in, for example, teachers’ initial training and continuing education.

A honlapon található adatbázisban lévő tanulmányok, egyéb szellemi termékek, illetve szerzői művek (a továbbiakban: művek) jogtulajdonosa az Oktatáskutató és Fejlesztő Intézet. A jogtulajdonos egyértelmű forrásmegjelölés mellett felhasználást enged a művekkel kapcsolatban oktatási, tudományos, kulturális célból. A jogtulajdonos a művek elektronikus továbbhasznosítását előzetes írásbeli engedélyéhez köti. A jogtulajdonos a művekkel kapcsolatos anyagi haszonszerzést kifejezetten megtiltja.