The Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development (OFI) was responsible for component “Nationwide coordination and support for the reorganization of teacher training” in the Social Renewal Operational Programme (TÁMOP)’s project 4.1.2.B. The main role of this component is to coordinate the work done in different regions, and to enhance the cooperation between institutions of higher education, primarily in their teacher training work. The papers collected here are based, firstly, on the offers of the institutions themselves, in which they took a look at their own teacher training programs to see how they fit the National Core Curriculum (NAT). But secondly, at OFI’s requests, beyond the pairing of disciplines they also examined how special areas of development are present in their programs as well. One of the most important advantages of the papers in this volume is that each institution integrated the areas of development codified in NAT into its training program, but also worked out a model practice which would enable other institutions to take over the program. It is all the more important to coordinate teacher training programs with NAT because this task emphasises competence-based training even more. It stresses how a dialogue between different disciplines is unavoidable, and how interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches are necessary. It is not with increasing the content elements assigned to the areas that we advance, but with coordinating the selected content from different disciplines focusing on the competencies to be developed. It is thus not accidental that the papers in this volume relate to the special areas of development codified in NAT, the realisation of which is not strictly dependent on any one subject. This is another way of pointing attention to the fact that education and development need to be integrated and comprehensive.