Senior research fellow of the HIERD, Ms. Matild SÁGI represented Hungary at the first meeting of the Indicator Expert Group on Adult Skills in Brussels, on the 11th March 2014.
Adult skills indicators are a priority of the Europe 2020 Strategy, and the corresponding working group endeavours to introduce a new indicator of adult skills based on the PIAAC assessment and sub-indicators according to the common framework of reference for adult skills. The meeting began with participants informing their peers about the use of PIAAC results in their respective countries (Hungary did not participate in the first PIAAC assessment). Talks were given about the topics of professional knowledge, adult education policies of the EU, and the use of PIAAC results for the definition of the new indicator. Discussion centred on the new indicator and the sub-indicators. These latter could be assessed more often, and their relations explored. The final decision is anticipated to be in July 2014.