Our colleague Anna IMRE represented the HIERD at the 2nd meeting of the ET2020 working group on schools policy on the 29th and 30th April 2014, in Brussels.
The two main topics covered by the working group at the meeting were early school leaving and teacher education. Plenary sessions were followed by subgroup discussions, where representatives could report about the situation in their respective countries. During the meeting, participants all followed Yammer training, which is a program facilitating quick and effective business communication. The next day began with the presentation of the ‘PREVENT – Involving parents in the prevention of early school leaving’ project, and then continued with that of the 2nd Chance Study. Discussion in the subgroups revolved around the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN) and Commission studies about policies to improve the attractiveness of the teaching profession and policies on innovative pedagogies in the parallel section. A first draft of a common work schedule of the two subgroups was accepted.