Megjelenés éve: 

Ez a kiadvány már nem vásárolható meg, kizárólag elektronikusan érhető el.

A kompetencia az a képességünk és hajlandóságunk, hogy a bennünk lévő tudást (ismereteket, képességeket és attitűdbeli jellemzoket) sikeres problémamegoldó cselekvéssé alakítsuk. A kompetenciaalapú oktatás ma olyan cél, amely alapvetoen átalakítja az iskoláról, a tanításról és tanulásról való gondolkodást.


Demeter Kinga

Budai Ágnes

A kötet szakmai összeállításában részt vettek
Halász Gábor, Schüttler Tamás, Wolfné Borsi Julianna

Mátrai Zsuzsa

© Balázsi Ildikó, Falus Iván, Falus Katalin, Felvégi Emese, Heinz Gilomen, Halász Gábor, Havas Péter, Horváth Dániel, Horváth Zsuzsanna, Jakab György, Jos Letschert, Lukács Judit, Pála Károly, Rábainé Szabó Annamária, Dominique Simone Rychen, Száraz Péter, Szepesi Ildikó, Varga Attila, Vass Vilmos, 2006

Zsebe Márta

A fordítást lektorálta
Hunya Márta


Reproduced with permission from Jos Letschert (SLO, Netherlands) The integrated person, How curriculum development relates to new competencies by Letschert, ISBN 90 329 2184 3, pp. 7-23.
© 2004 CIDREE/SLO: Consortium of Institutions for Development and Research in Education in Europe/Netherlands Institute for Curriculum Development, Enschede.

Reproduced with permission from Key Competencies for a Successful Life and a Well-Functioning Society by Rychen, ISBN 0-88937-272-1, pp. 63-107, respectively pp.109-134
© 2003 by Hogrefe & Huber. Seattle – Toronto – Bern – Göttingen

Szerkesztés © Demeter Kinga, 2006

© Országos Közoktatási Intézet, 2006

ISBN: 963 682 584 X

Kiadja az Országos Közoktatási Intézet
Felelős kiadó: Halász Gábor főigazgató



LELLE, but not at Lake Balaton!

The project partners – universities, researchers and developers, teachers of secondary schools – work together by the leadership of the Pannon University. Their aim is to contribute to the development of the secondary school students’ learning skills, necessary to successful work in the 21st century.
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Student activity in the 21st century

The Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development organised an Erasmus+ KA2 project workshop conference on the 30th Aug 2018 called ’Student Voice – The bridge to learning’. The conference was held at The Hunfalvy János Bilingual Secondary Vocational School of Economics and Trade of BGSZC.
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Student Voice - Workshop for Hungarian partner schools

The third workshop organized for the Hungarian partner schools of the Erasmus+ Student Voice – Bridge to Learning project came to pass on the 28th of June.artner schools of the Erasmus+ Student Voice – Bridge to Learning project came to pass on the 28th of June.
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Student Voice - Workshop for Partner Schools

The first workshop organized for the partner schools was held on 7th March 2017 at EKU- HIERD (Eszterházy Károly University Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development) covered the following topic: Student voice and the student-focused learning.
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Student Voice project meeting - Dublin

The second Student Voice project meeting was held in Dublin, Ireland on 18-19th January with the participation of the five partner institutions from Ireland, Scotland, Hungary, Slovenia, and The Netherlands. The purpose of the meeting was to prepare evaluation tools at national and transnational level and plan further steps of the project.
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ERASMUS+ Student Voice – The Bridge to Learning has launched

Representatives of the Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development (HIERD) Lucia Kákonyi, manager of the Student Voice – The Bridge to Learning project in Hungary, and Gábor Rózsa, IT expert, took part in the first project partnership meeting of the ERASMUS+ Student Voice project which took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
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