Director general Dr. József KAPOSI; Márta HANCOCK, director of the Centre for Pedagogical Professional Support, Erika PÁLFI, director of the Centre for Publishing and Communication, Magdolna KÜHNNÉ SIBALIN, Croatian language rapporteur of the HIERD and Szilvia SZOTÁK, supervisor of Hungarian education beyond our borders, built professional contacts in Zagreb and Eszék (Osijek) on the 2nd June 2014.
During the visit, the colleagues of the Hungarian Institute for Education and Research visited the Hungarian Cultural Institute of Zagreb, where they met with director Dr. Dénes Soksevits, and the Head of the Hungarian Studies Department of the Zagreb University, Ms. Orsolya Žagar–Szentesi. All leaders introduced the range of activities of their respective institutions, and Dr. Kaposi and Dr. Soksevits agreed to organise a historians’ conference in October 2014 in Zagreb, about the representation of the First World War in history education of former Monarchy states. Ms. Žagar–Szentesi proposed putting together a volume of Hungarian Studies, as a cooperative project between the HIERD, the Hungarian Studies Department and the Balassi Institute. The Hungarian delegation then met with Croatian colleagues from the Croatian Education Office: director-general Professor Vinko Filipović and her deputy Professor Tihana Radojcic. A formal statement of cooperation will be signed, and a visit to Budapest of the Croatian partners is planned. In Osijek, the delegation met the director of the Educational and Cultural Center of Hungarians in Croatia, Mr. Bandi Kucsera, who informed our colleagues on the situation of Hungarian education in Croatia.